Title: How It All Started...
jennukesWritten for:
Gemmi999Archive: Yes, please ask first.
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: None/None
Genre: Gen
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,028 without the header
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and am not getting paid. Y'all know the drill and who these characters really belong to.
Prompt: Abby story--just any type of pre-show Abby (can continue to during show). How did she get the job at NCIS? Why are her and Gibbs so close?
Summary: The FBI was too stuffy; she'd never handle the starched suits there. NCIS, on the other hand, had just enough of a cowboy vibe, given its small size and need to fight the world for jurisdiction at times, to be a true fit for her personality.
And on to the link from 3 weeks ago I never posted here!