Title: Snap-shots of the Mind
jennukesWritten for:
melanie_anneArchive: Sure, just ask me.
Rating: R.
Warnings/Spoilers: Adult content, no spoilers unless you haven't seen Season 2.
Genre: (out of Gen/Het/Slash) Het
Pairings: Gibbs/Kate
Word Count: 520 words
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and am not getting paid … you know the usual
Prompt: Story 1: Gibbs/Kate, post-Reveille. Can be R-rated, but nothing graphic please.
Summary: They are just images his mind photoshops together, tempting him with a place and pleasure, an act that he will never allow.
Author's Note: This is half of my entry because it is only about 500 words. I hope this qualifies as not graphic. Thanks to Great Beta 1,
thekatebeyond and a close second,
Snap-Shots of the Mind Title: Coffee
jennukesWritten for:
melanie_anneArchive: Sure, just ask me.
Rating: PG.
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Genre: (out of Gen/Het/Slash) Gen… with a touch of Het
Pairings: slight hints of Gibbs/Kate
Word Count: 760 words
Disclaimer: I do not own anything and am not getting paid … you know the usual no profit, just like to play in CBS's sandbox!
Prompt: Gibbs and Kate get caught in the middle of a hostage situation.
Summary: Coffee. It isn't too much to ask for after a twenty-four hour stakeout.
Author's Note: This is the second half of my entry! Thanks to Great Beta 1,
thekatebeyond for the quick turn-around.