God I'm lonely.
And I have no problem with being a whorte.
Rawr Tess.
I'm-not-sure-what-the-fuck-this-is Tess.
Lead-singer-of-Ambulance-when-he's-playing-guitar-mouth Tess
:O Tess
Mischeivious Tess
Week was swell. We all know why.
4 months until Oasis. My lovers.
Lots of Radiohead and Aqualung appreciation.
Three people in my french class wore yellow in one day. That's wrong for so many reasons.
And my friends, black is the new yellow, so wear it.
I listen to my parents now.
I'm very obediant. I am. I really really am.
And I'm getting along with my family famously.
And I like my friends
...and other people.
Kiss your neighbours, children. It's just what's to be done.