I only have a few friends, and im stealing from craig's duck. Beacuse I can. Bitch.

Nov 15, 2004 17:41

I want to say something nice about all of you lovely

aliasbex  : Rebecca, you're truely awesome. I love how you make out with Drew as much as you can. In public!
 baharkarma : Bahar, you are the SWEETEST and most classic person i know. When i say classic, I mean, yu have such incredible manners and I love the way you put yourself together. I'm very pleased with the person you are, and for that I HEART YOU.
brammy: BRAM!! I LOVE YOU. i think you're so wonderful and selfless. YOU'RE ACTUALLY incredible and i owe you so so much. You always listen to all of my sad sad problems. i'm so so so sorry you have to put up with me. You're amazing. And AND AND you are so generous and wonderful and I don't deserve your company for all of the amazing concerts you take me to. We have such a mutual and amazing relationship. brooke182: Brooke, dahling. I heart you. I love how Stacie KNEW we would be good friends. And I knew everything about you before meeting you. You're better than what I heard. Which is a lot of amazingly good things. Incredible. Truely.
chronic_powers  : Drew, honestly. I saw you shave your head into a poorly done mohawk by a kid who shouldn't own a razor. That's bravery. 
craigsduck: I stole this idea from you, because I think you're awesome, and I don't even know you're name.
 depechegirl: I met you on the Vines forum and I think you're very cool and you touched Bill Clinton, which indeed makes you even cooler.
 dmb_freakkk: Stacie, my DARLING! I truely love you so much. Really. You're one of the few people that I think are absoltuly wonderful and flawless and perfect. You're wonderful, and I wish I could hug you everyday. 
 itcheee: Adrian! You're such a good person to have intellectual conversations with and we must have more of them. And I need to know you better.
 kellywhywhatfor : Ack! Kelly. I am so thankful for you. you're EVERYTHING i want to be. EVERYTHING. I miss you so much and I'm so sorry we don't talk much anymore. I really value all of your opinions and your views on life. You make me smile and cry and laugh and envious. Thank you for being so good to me:)
likely_girl: Paulie! Out of everyone I know, I think you make me want to try harder and do what you're doing. You're going to be SOOO freaking famous because your talent is just mind boggling and I am just so pained that we don't live closer together. I love how you love music more than anything, and how Carl will someday be yours.
if you were a guy, I would love you more than I love you now. Take this in a good way. I think you're INCREDIBLE and I wish I could see you every single day. Your poetry and your songs are amazing. And I AM SOOO excited to go to camp with you again. You're one of my best best best best best friends and I just love you so so much. And I wish we could just always be near each other. You make me smile more than anyone.
neutraltone: YOU'RE INSANE. I love the way you write. YOUR LIFE IS A SONG. If you haven't noticed, I've tried to copy your incredible style of writing because I love it and adore it. And I want it to be mine.
Your life is so interesting even if sometimes its not. If I knew you better, you would have a major impact on my life, I think.
You also like bright eyes, which is amazing and wonderful and good.
nobodygirl22:RACHEL FREAKING OZERKEVICH, you are my BEST friend in the whole fucking universe and I LOVE YOU so so so so so so so much. Dedicating Wonderwall for me on the edge on my birthday, my surprise party, my jesus is my homeboy shirt, coming with me countless times to the edge and much music, being there when I meet my favourite musicians (CRAIG NICHOLLS). I'm just disgusted by how good you are to me. BE MY FRIEND FOREVER.
I love your style and the way you present yourself. You have such a good heart and spirit and you make me feel that it's okay to be me.
You make me happy when I'm sad.
I saw you a half hour after I found out my grandfather died, and you made me forget my problems.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your love of bubble tea and garden state.
Thank you for liking good music.
Thank you for being YOU because I LOVE YOU.obsceneloser: Orlee, I think you're one of the most amazingly unique people I know. I don't think you realize how much I idolized you at camp. You're so great and I love all of your clothing and your glasses. I miss you. We must talk.
 pamz: Pamela, i don't believe you give yourself enough credit. Remember one of the first things I said to you? "You dress SOO fucking well, what's your name?" Eh? eh? eh?
You're actually so beautiful and so wonderful and I just wish you saw that.
I'm always here. I hope you know that. And please be careful with your health and your body. I care too much about you. 
rather_emily: You are so beautiful and so classic looking and I'm so glad I met you. Your style is so incredible. You're one of the prettiest people I've met. But haven't.
sangxowns: SANGITA! I've known you for like 4 months, but I know we're going to be friends for life. I think you're the sweetest girl ever and I wish your views of life were similar to mine. Always remember that I love you and that life is good and beautiful and nice. And your life is good to you.
sebularity : SEB!!! You're the greatest big brother ever. I wish I lived near you and that we were better friends, because I think you're amazing and wonderful. I'm sorry I drown you with my issues but I value your opinions. I'm surprised you put up with me. Thank you for EVERYTHING:)
seventh_string : I've only met you once and I think you're awesome. You make excellent impressions. I've heard so many excellent things about you. I wish to see more of you soon.
territorial_art : You're a youngin' on the Vines message board. I think you're really cool. You should post more. I enjoy reading them. 
tragic_optimist: Miranda! I wish we were better
friends, I think you're very cool. You dress really well
and you're such a kind person. You like bright eyes, and
that makes you very worthy of good things.

tzvia: Tzvia! I'm so sorry we spent so much time
fighting. I miss the way we used to be. And I wish it
were all the same. I want to see more of you, because
I love you so much and I just miss you.
I'm so glad we're okay. I appreciate you so much.
I underestimated you, and I realize now how fabulous
you are and the things you do (did) for me are.

I love people.

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