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a_white_rain Choose a fictional character that you believe is similar to you in looks and/or personality and answer the following questions. Then tag 5 people to do the same.
This was pretty easy for me to answer. Sakura from Naruto.
1. How is this character like you?
Well first off I care deeply for my friends and I worry about them a lot. I also can be a bit intense at times. I will stand up for my friends if someone is making fun of them. We are both pretty smart. Also I was pretty shallow when I was younger although I grew out of it eventually.
2. What differences are there between you and this character?
Well other then the fact that we both have short hair, we don't look alike at all. I also don't have super-stength.
3. Do you like or dislike this character?
Yes I do a lot. She is my second favorite character.
4. Would you date this character if they existed in real life?
5. Are there any canon relationships this character has that are similar to ones you have?
I think both of my relationships with my brothers are similar to Sakura's relationship to Naruto, although in sightly different ways. And although I haven't seen her in years, Becky is probably the closest one I have to an Ino.
I tag everyone who hasn't done this yet.