
May 10, 2004 05:23

yeah so i have i guess some good and bad news i guess.... Aaron Morris... one of the dudes Im friends with died on Saturday night... its a sad time i didn't find out until Monday (today) morning... i don't know if my dads gonna take me to his funeral or not... im not even sure if my sister is gonna go or whatever... but i want to... so i can show that i care and pay my respect for him!!  i guess things happen for a reason... i didn't really cry until 5th period when my chorus teacher was talking about it because that was his favorite class last year! everything is different now... people are crying in the halls because he was well known i guess if thats what you wanna say... he should still be here with us today! he should of been at prom but nooo he had to be a field get together! never should of happened!!

good news tho!!! i kinda sorta like this dude named Timmy... but yeah i don't know whats gonna happen with that... and adam im sorry for whatever i did... to you or said something hell i don't know i feel like you hate me now and i don't want that!!! and i wanna say

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHAN!!! THE BIG 22.....even tho you are probably out on the ship right now and can't read this its the thought that counts!!! i miss you and love you still!!!

and i miss my sissy!!!! and mel is so happy with her babIES! sorry mel i had to!!... anyways leave me some love and ill get back to you all !!

love you muahz!

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