Aug 03, 2004 17:29
umm its been a really really long time since ive wrote in here.. i don't know what i haven't put in here or told anyone but yeah thats you guys will me i know these you liked that didn't you?? yeah i know you did... anyways ive got another journal like thingy on a different website... when i get it up and runnin ill let you guys where its at and stuff like that..................FAKER!!!!!!! don't ask ... if i was you i wouldn't... haha .... lets see i got outta school went to my moms the next day or so.. stayed down there for awhile.. we went campin for 2 nights.. me n mommie went to her new boyfriends house him and his son are pretty co0l! they are really funny! i wish that mommie would stay in VA or in NC and not move with my aunt in SC... but i know she can't do that but its all good!... ... then i came home and went to stay with my grandma for about 2 weeks or so ... i can't remember ... did really nothing over there... went walkin a few times... i ended up at the school sittin by myself 2 times it was iight tho... its really pretty when you look off at the clouds and stuff... i miss being a lil kid again when all you had to worry about were banged up knees and elbows... and not having to worry about driving,..boys.. money anything like that....everything changes when you get older... it feels like the world is on top of your shoulders when you grow up.........oh yeah and the BIGGEST NEWS OF THE SUMMER.... IVE GOT MY LEARNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy about that!!! my aunt's husband from SC is up here in noke in the hosp!... which has me scared because his sister was in the same hosp... with heart problems too... which he is in there for... his son said that he is really sick... so i don't know anymore! its really scary ... ummm lets see... my grandma go married too i forgot that... and thats about it... now i am at home!... school starts soon!! im kinda happy then im kinda but its all good....well im gonna go.. bye everyone love ya muahz!!!