Oct 07, 2004 08:43
So I'm chillin in Desktop, as usual, listening to the fantabulous musical selections of Gildea's iPod. It's a nice life.
A Farewell to Arms test last mod was fun. Not fun, per say, but not as bad as I had expected. AP US first mod was amusing, as usual. Doctor going off about capitalism and me bashing a fellow-democrat's interpretation of laissez-faire economics. Nice music video viewing, by the way. Yeah Brian.
Anyway, what is new? I don't know. Lots of stuff I guess. We had a really great week with Pleasantville, and by next Wednesday the whole show will be blocked. That's fucking awesome. I'm not one to say that often, but cast definitely warrants it so far. So, *great job guys!* I can't wait to have sets and lights and costumes and props...but most importantly, sets. I know it's tough walking upstairs and around the town and doing it at Lover's Lane...without any of that. I can't wait though because .mfnbhs.rkj g/aelrg clam digger!
Thanks to the great contributions there of Trish and LANDMESSER!!!!
But yeah, so I can't wait though because it's going to be great. Big thanks to Ari and Trish for working with me on crew stuff and lighting ideas, and I know that'll keep going through tech week, but hopefully mostly before. We got this shit. :-)
Okay, so Saturday I got my bullseye pin for my nametag at Target because I'm officially "out of training" and a real team member now. Plus a $000000.25 raise, but I'm more psyched about the pin, to tell you the truth. Class of 06 carnival went really well. HUGE amazing thanks to Donna and Amanda for doing prizes before and while I was there at the booth. You saved my ass and did a great job with the kids, so THANK YOU!!!
I went apple-picking with Sean, Tracy, Hunter, and Mr. Riley on Sunday. That was crazy cool. We picked lots of apples ("one, two, three, four, five, six!") and we laughed very much. "Let it grow!!!" Haha...Tray's awesome. :-) Mr. Riley was really funny and his singing was very enjoyable, and I got to know Hunter more than I did, so that was cool. Sunday night we had dinner at my house with Sean, Tray, and their grandparents. That was highly enjoyable as well. Sean marvelling over the spiral ham and the apple pie combo was great. I love doing stuff like that with either one of our families, but especially both. We should definitely do it more often.
Other than that....lots of school stuff to take care of. Papers, homework, AP questions coming in Calc, I think. Too much to do and too little time, but it always works out.
Landmesser is a cool kid.
Yup. Michael is also a cool kid with his long legs that stretch all the way over under my desk and keep kicking me. Oh well. (Nice wiping...?)
In any case, I'm gonna get a headstart to lunch for...whatever the mystery meat is for today. Not really, because we're not allowed down early, but I'll at least move towards the door. Have a good day. No...have a fantastic day. And while we're at it...why limit it to a day? Have a very fantastic life guys.