Aug 01, 2004 21:32
I'm going to try and make this quick, but I'm hoping you enjoy my first posting in over a month.
As usual, lots of stuff has happened. School ended and finals were fun. Not really, but they really weren't as bad as expected and at I really haven't stayed up nights about all. AP US is in progress, but a week of relative solitude in Ogunquit will have to help that along. I went to Maine for the first week or so after school got out, and then it was right to counseling at VMS. That was fun and I got paid and I love working with kids so despite their efforts, they were pretty good. I did love that the power went out in the whole town of Northbridge for their matinee show and all of the middle school cast members had to finish the play using emergency lights and an automatic curtain that wouldn't shut. As Russ said, a perfect example of "the show must go on." Fun stuff with counselors and games and random stuff, so that was fun.
Towards the end of VMS, I got a job at Target (to be pronounced "Tar-jayyy") with the help of Jason, so...thanks Jay! After getting past some confusion, I'm cashiering for the most part and doing a little food work, but all in all? getting paid. That's the big thing for me with trips coming up this year at school and wanting spending money and whatever else. Soooo...I'm happy. Come visit!
Vicki's birthday came and went, and I was extremely happy that we pulled it off. We had a great time, and you can visit her journal for details, but it was general good fun. Yay sixteen!
Reading committee meetings have commenced regarding the spring musical....and just because I'm cool I'm not going to go into detail about everything because I'm sure if you're interested, you already know the choices. Whatever we pick will be good, and I could honestly get psyched for any of the top picks, but obviously I have my fave. Fun stuff there, hopefully more meetings soon, and Pleasantville is well on its way. I am very very excited!
With all of that said, yesterday Sean and I went into Boston for the afternoon/evening which was entirely fantastic. We were dropped off at the Franklin station and took the train all the way into South Station, which was amusing with the car of pre-buzzed UMASS and Dean College kids. It was highly amusing. We hit the Distpatch concert which was cool, or shall I say...sweltering. After a few songs we left because it was just so crazy and mobbed and neither one of us is die-hard about the band, so with a few much-loved tunes, we were fulfilled. Then we trolled boston for the afternoon, hitting up Newbury St., going to TGI Fridays, walking into random stores, and finally sharing a waffle cone at Ben & Jerry's. We then wandered around Copley Square and such....sitting in front of the fountain by Trinity and people-watching. It was so great. Then it was off to Franklin again where we were finally picked up and came back to chillax for a while at my house before calling it a night. It was definitely one of my favorite summer days on a whole, and I cannot WAIT to go into the city again.
Anyway, random other stuff going on, but mostly just me needing more sleep than I'm getting, so I'm out for the night, and I really will try to update later. It won't happen, but it's a nice thought at least.
See ya!