Apr 11, 2004 17:07
It's been a while, so I won't be totally redundant and talk about it for too long. I feel like a bazillion things have happened since my last update, but that's probably because they have. Everyone has been great, and I feel awkward even talking about anything here because this wasn't directly my problem, but I want to say thanks to anyone and everyone who showed support for me and those very close to me. I really do appreciate it.
Like I said, a bazillion things have happened and it's hard to really start from the last entry and really update, but now the air is clearing a little. I'm having a lot of fun with my family and friends, especially Sean, and there's definitely a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how long the tunnel may be.
Les Miserables was fantastic. I'm so proud to have been in such a great production. Everyone played their part, whether it was cast, pit, crew, or tech....(last but not least, Trish :-) ) and the show came together beautifully. Most of you already know that, but it's yet another thing that's "gone down" if you will.
I'm going to Florida...Disney to be exact.....in less than four days, and I must say I'm rather excited. It's been around 8 or 9 years since my family has been, and I feel kind of cool having gone last year and knowing the ropes at least a little in comparison. We're staying at the Boardwalk, my dream place to stay, and we're doing everything from Cirque de Soleil (first night...) to....I don't know....everything else. I will miss my friends a lot though, but when do I not? It'll suck a little on that score, but that just means my phone bill will be rather high and my pocket a little emptier after buying presents for everybody. Ah well....the trials and tribulations of loving the people I'm leaving back in NE.
Prom is approaching and I'm ecstatic about that. I still need to make a hair appointment somewhere, so shame on me I guess, but now Vicks is going with Matt Gildea *yay* and we'll probably go together. Her aunt said she'd do our nails n stuff so *phew* for Landa, oh how we love her so. With the limo and the dresses and our dates.....I'm just getting so excited. I know Sean is too so that's very cool. I can't wait to see his whole tux outfit, especially with my dress. From what I can picture, it'll be very Fred n Ginger....(don't ask...just know I'm not referring to a Spice Girl...) Anyway, that's another thing I'm psyched about, especially going to FL and getting a nice tan will be good so much rejoicing in general.
Anyway, I need to go research for my AP History paper....blahhhhhhness right there, but oh well, thems the breaks I guess. Happy Easter and I'll really try and update more....I know I said I would and I didn't, but I really will try. That's the most I can offer.
Thanks again, guys.