I am just awful

Feb 07, 2010 00:09

at updating this thing.

But! Since I have an abundance of time (read: an irrational hatred of doing homework in a timely manner) I figured I might try to fix that:

1. Back at school for my last semester of my college career. Everyone around me is deeply saddened by this, saying they'll miss the days of being care-free and jobless, going to school on their parents dollar and drinking themselves silly on weekdays. Personally, I cannot wait to get the hell out of here. For the last year or so it's felt like I'm procrastinating being an adult and I'm tired of it.
2. A large part of this urge to get out of here stems from the fact that Korea is seeming more and more likely as time goes on. I'm so excited it's ridiculous. Have to get that pesky diploma, though...just three more months.
3. As a result of not wanting to be at school/attend school/do schoolwork, I spend most of my time wishing I was home. Christmas break this year was deeply satisfying and I realized that I'm not going to have a ton of time to spend with my family after this because I'm leaving the country for a year minimum. I genuinely have no idea how I'm going to deal with the separation.
4. Most of my time lately has been committed to learning a slew of K-pop dances (I need cooler hobbies.) I now have close to twenty in my arsenal that I can trot out on request(or when I'm drinking because dammit, I'm awesome at them and everyone should know that!)
5. Speaking of cooler hobbies, I have a ton of free time lately and so far all I've done is re-watched all three seasons of 30 Rock and the entire Dorm Life web-series. Any recommendations for something productive and character-building would be greatly appreciated.

Wow. I guess I've done less than I thought. Huh. That's kind of depressing.
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