Jul 01, 2003 07:33
I admit it: I am not-so-secretly fascinated by etymology and the meanings of names. We use names all the time, every single day, but rarely do we think about what those names mean when we say them. Really, it's not like I'm going to wake up tomorrow barefoot and pregnant...I just find this interesting, you know? It's another kind of poetry, and besides which: I just like lists.
In the process of making this list, I noticed some personal trends. I gravitate towards names that denote serenity and strength; I like alliteration; and I seem to favor Icelandic, Scandinavian, and Irish origins. So it goes:
Astrid: Scandinavian; "divine strength"
Audrey: English; "nobility and strength"
Cordelia: Celtic; "daughter of the sea"
Edda: Icelandic; "poet," "with clear goals"
Emma: German; "embracing all"
Falda/Fayda: Icelandic; "with folded wings"
Halcyon: Greek; "peaceful"
Kalila: Arabic; "beloved"
Olivia: Latin; "olive tree," "peaceful"
Maia: Greek; "mother," "nymph"
Maisie: Scottish; "pearl"
Miranda: Latin; "admirable"
Sidra: Latin; "stars"
Sula: Icelandic; "the sun"
Talullah: Native American; "leaping water"
Teagan: English; "pretty"
Asa: Hebrew/Japanese; "doctor"/"morning"
Caleb: Hebrew; "brave," "loyal," "faithful"
Delaney: Irish; "child of a competitor"
Dylan: Welsh; "from the sea"
Noah: Hebrew; "at rest"
Karsten: German; "annointed one," and it sounds much like my mother's maiden name (Karst)
Keanu: Hawaiian; "a cool upland breeze"
Keefer: Irish; "noble, gentle, beloved"
Keegan: Irish; "small and passionate"
Leif: Scandinavian; "beloved"
Lucas: English/Latin; "an area in Southern Italy"/"light"
Orion: Greek; "son of fire or light," "sunrise"
Riley: Irish; "brave"
Trevor: Welsh; "large homestead"
Teagan Talullah _________, Dylan Delaney ________, Astrid Olivia ________, Audrey Edda __________, Sidra Kalila __________, Keanu Riley __________,and Karsten Caleb _________. Like whoa.