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Sep 06, 2007 12:13

Friday, January 12, 2007


Current mood:  thoughtful

After watching a very corny romantic comedy, I learned a lesson I probably already knew, but just need a refresher course on.

So many people hate it when others say "Everything happens for a reason"

Some use that phrase to explain God's plan, a horrible event in one's life, or something so great so wonderful planning it was not even possible.

As a planner, I'm addicted to knowing what is around the bend at all times. I always want to be prepared for the next hurdle I might face. I don't do well with surprises, they only make me tense, not excited. Maybe it's because so many unexpected things have happened to me in this life time, that I want control over whatever I possibly can have control over. Trying to form my life as if it were clay is just insane and extremely exhausting.

I try to do what is expected of me. I try to find the person who is right for me. I even try to shape the way others will view me, but honestly what is the point?

Yes we have free will, and yes we have decisions that makes us who we are, but in the end I think a lot of the decisions we make are due to the signs given around us - and the chance that we chose to acknowledge them or not.

For instance, anyone know who knows me knew when I found out I was coming to Sherman knows I cried for weeks about how miserable I was going to be. I thought I was leaving my soul mate, my best friends, and the only life I wanted. Come to find out, yeah Sherman is a crappy town, but I have gotten to many great rewards from being here. If I hadn't come to Sherman I would have never had an amazing CI who has already taught me so much, realized who were my friends are and those who were just sometimers. I wouldn't have gotten the chance to be on my own - alone w/my thoughts and figured so much out.

***Side Note: As of Today I still believe this - I hate Sherman so much, but something tells me there is a real reason I’m here, maybe it’s to advance my career, maybe it’s to keep me safe, maybe it’s to find the love of my life - I dunno, but I am really becoming settled here ****

Christopher always told me (and I hated it when he did, but I tend to agree with him on this)"Let Go & Let God” Now, for those who don't believe in God, that's fine, but the point of that phrase to let life come to you as it may, and deal with the best you can because trying to control the world around you is going to cause so much more pain and agony than what life can throw at you.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

The important thing is to take note of the signs you see around you. There is a rhyme and reason to everything around us, but you have to take the time to look at it and see why things are they way the are. Now sometimes people, like me over analyze and lose the beauty of the moment. But sometimes, just sometimes you have to realize that there is a reason things just don't seem to work out for one reason or another regardless of how bad you wanted it or had badly you worked to achieve it.

Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences, but rather it is a tapestry of acts that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan

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