Dec 22, 2004 23:04
well yes.. i have been away... but i still read my friends page, so i kind of have an idea on whats happening with everyone. now some new news..
1.) i passed all my classes this semester. the grades are as follows..
English 1101 - B
Humanities - C
Sociology - C
PRECAL - D!!! (yes that is right, i am happy about my D, because i passed and didnt fail.)
2.) we finally wrote some new songs, and they are fucking sweet. they are definetly skankable. i think we have realized the purpose of sitting down as a band, and working out structures.
3.) to add on to the band news, we finally got SHIRTS made!! they are all black, with 2 sumo wrestlers on the bottom right, with "Good Fortune" going down the right side. they are $8, and the sizes are L,M,S,YM. we sold all of the YM shirts, but we have one long-sleeve left. if you want one, just leave a comment, and we can figure out how to get you one.
4.) on a bad note, i got a speeding ticket in WALDO (go figure). the cop got me at 71 in a 55, and the ticket is $183.50. i took an online class, so i can keep the points off my license and the insurance down. but as a result of the ticket, and my sister getting her license soon, i am getting kicked off my parents insurance, and i have to get my own. so that means i need to get a job ASAP.
5.) life has been going alright. girls still suck sometimes, but im not worrying about all that emotional crap right now (or atleast trying). it sucks not having a girlfriend, cause i like having someone around. on the other hand, its cool not having one because it just is something i might not need right now.
so yea, thats all i can think of right now to say, so i think i will end on that note. comment if you want. ill talk to you kids sometime soon. LATER!!
-Dave-o the AMAZO!