(no subject)

Dec 08, 2006 20:36

((Hook and his ship are no longer berthed in Neverland. The door in his cabin through which he originally entered the Nexus still remains, and now connects his Nexus room to his ship in its new harbour. Visitors to the Captain when he is aboard ship may find him through his old Nexus room: Visitors to the captain's house in Betäuben will need to have been given PINpoint co-ordinates - or a rowing boat and some very specific directions :) ))


The Jolly Roger lies at anchor in the deepwater port, still brazenly flying the black and white grinning-skull flag that she has always flown. No-one seems to have paid it any heed. Even the harbourmaster, with whom Hook had a brief but illuminating conversation the day before when the galleon came sailing into port, merely wrote down "Merchant ship" and seemed content to leave it at that. Perhaps it had been the captain's expression: perhaps it had been the gleaming hook: or perhaps it was simply that it did not really matter.

The crew had been granted immediate shore leave. Hook is no fool. A happy crew are more loyal, and besides, none of them had seen a proper sea port in a very long time.
He had gone out to fetch them back after a decent interval, with a great deal of noise and snarl and bluster (a happy crew are loyal, but a happy and occasionally terrified crew are even more so).

And then...

...then he had stood out on an empty deck all night, watching the lights in the town until they all flickered out, one by one. Ali had stood with him for a while, content it seemed as he to see the dark sky and the waves, but she had generously left him to his own devices as the hour grew later and the moon began to rise.

He had stayed until dawn, thinking and smoking and apparently quite unmoving, then had set out at first light with the serious business of beginning repairs and preparing the ship for a long stay in dock. This was tedious, but necessary (as was the noon-time run to the shore once more to fetch a lagging pirate out of the tavern) and semed to require more than usual of his limited patience and far more of his intimidating physical presence to motivate the crew.

They had worked long hours: and consquently, today finds him exhausted but strangely calm, and he is supervising the moving of cargo in unusual silence, leant over the upper deck rail*
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