LOLd and dangerous once again

Sep 15, 2006 23:23

*anyone passing the captain's rooms cannot fail to hear a roar like an enraged tiger*


*It seems Hook has chanced upon his shaving mirror, and is just slightly unhappy with what he can see there*

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rent_and_torn September 15 2006, 23:25:06 UTC
There's an unceremonious thud on the door, as if the knocker can't be bothered with something as trivial as hands. The one at the door actually has her hands full with a huge stuffed animal- a pink giraffe, to be exact, for the sake of possibly offending or pissing off the owner of the door.


goodform September 15 2006, 23:28:05 UTC
*Hook is simply far too angry to yell any assent for entry. He whirls to face the door as it swings open off the latch, eyes red, glowing letters stamped cheerfully just above his glowering brows*


rent_and_torn September 15 2006, 23:32:17 UTC
When the door swings open, it reveals an extremely large pink giraffe with six legs and flanneled arms for wings. Two of its legs are wearing ratty sneakers. Katchoo strains to see over its back, claiming her limbs again. As with most things out of place, she doesn't immediately notice the stamp.

"What, you hate him already? You ain't even MET him yet."


goodform September 15 2006, 23:35:43 UTC
*What's face, already ravaged with rage, contorts in confounded disbelief. It's really too much to cope with all at once, and the veins in his temples are throbbing dangerously. A growl rumbles in his throat*


rent_and_torn September 15 2006, 23:49:06 UTC
The giraffe barges into the room, followed by its small blonde propellor, and flops to the floor in a heap. And, once closer, she notices the glowing stamp. She snerks and manages to turn it into a cough before it makes its way out completely.

"Huh... well... I guess you don't wanna grow up anyway, seeing as how you're old enough already, right?"


goodform September 15 2006, 23:58:59 UTC
*there is a very, very dangerous pause, which manages to suggest that no amount of day-glo cuddly creatures will save Katchoo if she intends to continue making quips of that nature. Ice forms on his words*

Highly amusing.


rent_and_torn September 16 2006, 00:28:46 UTC
The unmasked mirth on her face suggests that Katchoo probably couldn't care less about being saved, as long as she gets to die laughing.

"Well... heh... I mean, I came to see if I could rattle you, but... -cough- what happened to you?"


goodform September 16 2006, 00:34:51 UTC
*The captain's head is lowered belligerantly, like a bull about to charge, and the words seems all the more prominent*

Why, nothing happened. I thought it would be a merry joke to write this slanderous SWILL across my FACE!!!

*his tone, having begun deceptively mild, rises to a scream of rage*


rent_and_torn September 16 2006, 00:41:23 UTC
"I guess. Who knows what people do when they're stoned." She shrugs with a grin in the face of his rage, knowing that either ignoring it will make him feel better or piss him off even more- and either outcome is fine by her. "So anyway, I found this thing I figured would look cool around your crash here. I named him Maurice."


goodform September 17 2006, 15:28:59 UTC
Named him Maur -

*Hook's capacity for patience and understanding, never good at the best of times, abruptly hits overload and he advances on Katchoo and the stuffed monstrosity, snatching the giraffe by the neck*


rent_and_torn September 17 2006, 18:41:22 UTC
The sight is too much- she can't take it. A pirate fixing to ravage a stuffie? She bursts out laughing. Not at the glowing brand, of course, although that may not be apparent to a raging pirate.


goodform September 18 2006, 18:26:55 UTC
*The unfortunate Maurice bears the brunt of the rage and is hurled across the room to rebound across a nearby wall, while the pirate himself shoves his face right up into into Katchoo's and snarls*

Something. Amuses. You?!!


rent_and_torn September 18 2006, 18:44:05 UTC
"Yep." She grins broadly into his face and takes advantage of the position to reach up, flip his hat off his head and plop it down on her own. "You're awesome when you're mad."


goodform September 18 2006, 18:52:01 UTC
*There is a single moment where it almost looks as if she's going to get away with it: he's just too angry to move. It's a state that overtakes him in the company of Peter extremely often. And then it breaks: he bellows in fury, loud enough to make his throat raw, and makes a grab for Katchoo's throat in the same way he grabbed for the stuffed giraffe*


rent_and_torn September 18 2006, 19:14:36 UTC
They say the worst sidekick to fight with is anger- screws you up all kinds of good. Katchoo ducks easily and darts behind the captain with a smirk.

"Come on, Jimmy. You don't wanna break your harness again, do you?"


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