Dec 11, 2005 11:55
Classes are officially over and today is the first day of finals. I have my critical thinking exam in about an hour and a half, but I'm not too worried. That is one class I will definitely miss. Actually, nevermind, I will miss ALL my classes. This is the first semester ever in which I really truly genuninely loved all my classes and wouldn't dream of skipping one. The only other time in history this was close to being a reality was that one semester that I took 3 film classes. That was awesome. I will certainly miss my professors and the film studies department.
In good news, I'm starting to feel a little more excited about Denmark. I'm still a little worried but I don't get that terrible feeling in my stomach every time I think about it like I used to. One thing I dislike is when I tell people I'm leaving and they get all sad and say "Why are you leaving us?" GAH!!!! I appreciate those who have been supportive and understanding.
The other day in servo I saw my old ethnographic film professor, who is my co-advisor for film studies. I haven't seen him in at least a year because he has been on sabbatical, but he stopped me and asked if I would be his student associate for ethnographic film the next time he teaches it. It was so funny though, his eyes were glazed over, and his breath reeked of something that wasn't alcohol. Yes, my professor was stoned in the middle of servo. I thought it was really funny.
The premiere of Bad Feelings IS TODAY!!!!!!!!! TODAY!!!!!!!!! TODAY!!!!!!!!!! 8 P.M. Rm. 200 in the Science Center, all you people asking when you could finally see it, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE! Today after my final I'm putting it on a DVD and tonight is the red carpet premiere! Please attend, if you can :)