Someone please explain to me the appeal of tablet computers. I just don't get it. For plain old media consumption, I suppose there's some convenience with the slim form-factor. It's probably easy to take a tablet to the bedroom to watch a movie or surf the web. But that's the only use I can really see for it. And a laptop fulfills that function
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Essentially, both function as highly customizable personal assistants and media platforms.
On my iPhone (soon to be on the iPad) I have tools for tracking schedules, goals, and things to do. I have several different complimentary programs to help me learn Japanese. I have nutrition apps, diet tools, error-adjusting weight tracking, and a very sophisticated cook book. Apps for strength training and yoga. (There are running apps too, but I haven't bothered with them yet -- if I was just starting out I might.) I have apps with prayers, looping ambient sounds for relaxation and meditation, music synthesizers, research tools.
And, of course a whole bunch of games. Along with all the usual web browsing, email, videos, ebook reader, and music.
In theory, those apps would all be available on a netbook or laptop. In practice, they're not, or they're such a bad value that I wouldn't buy them.
These, obviously, all do run on a smart phone, but given that the programs I use most are productivity, self-improvement, or learning apps, and the only "portable" I really need is that I can use them while standing/walking around (much healthier than sitting all the time!) a big screen is better.
I have a fabulous laptop, and a very nice netbook... but except for actual content creation (which I do plenty of, thankyouverymuch, but not all day every day), the iPhone/iPad really is better. And since I can use an external keyboard with the iPad, a lot of content creation will be possible with that now too.
Of course, a tablet computer is a lot more useful if you carry around a big purse. :D I dunno what guys are supposed to do.
In my case, I use a bunch of apps like that on my phone, but my solution to the larger-screen-for-productivity problem is that all the apps I use sync online, so I can do the heavy lifting with a full computer. I would find having to carry my phone and my tablet around very annoying.
Once you have your ipad, you should let everyone know whether it lives up to the hype and fulfills your needs better than a smartphone.
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