Jul 10, 2004 09:00
What a weird night.
Went to skate at my favourite spot down by The Forum only to find out that I can't because there is a convention going on. Turns out to be the Montreal Tattoo Convention. Ahhhhh, not bad. After to talking to some people outside, I sort of just found myself inside the convention. didn't pay and didn't get caught.
Inside I saw some familiar faces. Saw Safwan from Imago, and he suggested that I stop by the shop for some "Vice treatment". Okay Safwan, sounds good. On the whole, the show seemed pretty mediocre. By all means, I'm no tattoo pro or do I even consider myslef well versed in this industry, but besides from a handfull of really good artists, it was pretty much a snooze. Met some dude from Japan who does insane shit, a guy from Swizterland who gave me one of the best stickers I've seen, a girl from Sacred Heart who wants me to consider their shop as west coast distributors for the mag and this dude Pink from Tattoo Mania who was just a rad guy to be around....and his stuff is retardly retarded.
After a short walk-around, I decided to skate outside, regardless of people or not. It was a good session although at one point I did get frustrated and yes, the board did get chucked 50meters into the air. Arnaud from Taboo, came outside and we shot the shit from skating to surfing to drinking $2 beers at Foufenes. He then tried skating, albeit drunk, and that was a funny site. Arnaud was cool though. He hooked it up for me for the remainder of the weekend, if I wanted to go back to the convention. Which I may.
Skated some more only to have a drunk homeless person chase me because he insisted that he ride my deck. they guy kept running after me, stopping only when he would see an unsuspecting bystander he could bum a smoke off of. It was like being chased by a puppy or a little kid with severe ADD. After that fiasco, I went home and got stoked cuz I bought a Swompe Slushe but then got bummed cuz i bought a $3 water drink that tastes like rotten pipe.
oh yeah...roger lodge is a gay.
tricks i landed: bs 180, fs 180, bs no comply, fs no coply, nollie, ollie a big gap, ollie to manual pivot out (that was a lucky one).
tircks i ate shit off of: fakie heel, blunt, nose manual, switch ollie