Happy Holidays? Not for Turkeys!

Nov 24, 2003 00:50

This year, more than 45 million turkeys will have their beaks and toes cut off without pain killers and their throats slit while they are still conscious-all so that they can become part of someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. Those who miss the automated knife will go into the scalding tank fully conscious and will be boiled alive.

It’s ironic that on a day when we are supposed to be celebrating the good things in life, most Americans sit down to eat dead birds who never saw the light of day or took a breath of fresh air until they were loaded onto crowded trucks to be taken to slaughter. Before they became part of someone’s Thanksgiving “celebration,” these often-crippled birds lived in chronic pain and endured cruel and painful deaths. On factory farms, thousands of turkeys are packed into warehouses where they are commonly smothered and often suffer from disease and heart attacks. There’s no better time to choose compassion by going vegetarian. Let’s make this Thanksgiving one for the birds.

It's sad that people have no compassion for animals.
I dislike Thanksgiving...it's a stupid holiday. Fuckin hispanic families...the always have meat in every dish. I usually always eat salad and a roll. We usually go to my Uncle's, I think I might bring my own food this year.

So on friday, I didn't do anything. I stayed home...it was quite pleasant. I talked to Daniela for awhile online. It was a fun conversation..here is a snippet from it:
DD: no...I smack my bitch on her ass!
DD: *slaps self* my god....that was the STUPIDEST joke I have ever made!
DD: lol
Me: LMAO! I can imagine you shaking your head while saying that...like all ms. thang style
Me: YES, that was quite lame
DD: but hey! at least I admitted it
DD: lol

Ah, fun times, fun times.

I was a couch potato on Saturday. I did step out to go to the 99 cent store. Later that night I went to Dungeon with Daniela. It was fun...I wish I were more drunk though. LOL..that would have made that night better. WHY? Because I would have had the guts to talk to "Aaron". He is the most adorable thing ever! He's like the same height as me, he has a mohawk, he wears the same black shorts and black jacket everyweek, he wears cool red socks or striped socks, and his converse. He even has his nose pierced! I'm taking a picture of him next time I go! I don't even know what his name is, but he looks like an Aaron to me, so that's what Daniela and I call him. Beth thinks he is adorable too! Too much cuteness for one guy. hehehe :)

Today I did nothing. Got into a fight with my dad. My mom sucks for not saying anything and letting my dad talk shit. I really hate that crap. I watched the Two Towers again..for like the 6th time. hehehe I'm so excited about Return of The King. It'sgonna be great. I'm gonna go see it the day it comes out, I have to!

Well, that's about it for now! My hands are cold and I have to get up early tomorrow to exercise! *thumbs down* I have to though, it's important. G'night!
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