Here's hoping. And yeah, it says you're on AIM, so it must not be working. Hmm. Anyway, I'm looking through layout stuff and about me template stuff for rules, which I'm guessing are pretty lax, but we still need a few, right? Man, it sucks that we can't discuss this right.
Yeah. Feel free to add whatever, and if I disagree, I can fuck around next time I have internet access. I am hopefully getting a new computer within the next two weeks, so, this should be a lot easier then.
Alright. I'll give it a go. I'm like, super busy at the moment though, so it might take a while to do by myselfff. But, I shall start working on it, as I know that you are for the most part lacking in... internet. Haha.
I'm sure he's fine.
postscript: Trying AIM Express. It's still saying it's loading my buddy list. So, I doubt it's working. Shame.
And yeah, it says you're on AIM, so it must not be working. Hmm.
Anyway, I'm looking through layout stuff and about me template stuff for rules, which I'm guessing are pretty lax, but we still need a few, right?
Man, it sucks that we can't discuss this right.
One thing I'm thinking, is that you should specify if you'll allow concrit, because I know some people love it, and I know others get really offended.
As soon as we figure out the rules, I'll really start working on this and we can get it up and running.
I'm like, super busy at the moment though, so it might take a while to do by myselfff. But, I shall start working on it, as I know that you are for the most part lacking in... internet. Haha.
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