for the benefit of mr. kite

Oct 21, 2008 13:36

Oh my gosh, you guys. It's fall. AKA my most favorite time of year ever. Leaves on the ground and chilly mornings and sweaters and the smell! of bonfires and dying grass, I love it, I do.

School still basically sucks. I kind of hate it a lot. I keep telling myself that I also hated Washington when I first got there, for like six months. And I've only been here (and in school) for six weeks but still.
I never want to teach high school. I mean, seriously. What was I thinking? Just contemplating the insanity of parents, the hormone roller coasters of fifteen-year-olds, the complete and utter batshit-craziness of testing nowadays, not to mention about four thousand other things.
I want to teach college. I really, really do. I want kids who (relatively) want to be there, I want to have (slightly) more freedom in what I teach - or at least not have to worry constantly that my students won't pass a multiple choice test and therefore have my school's funding pulled. It's what I've wanted to do since I was in college myself, I was just too afraid to do a plain English MA. Plus my parents subtly pressuring me into Education, because teachers are always needed. In the world. Or whatever. I sit in my classes and just think about all the reasons why I don't want to be a high school teacher. The prospect of it just makes me want to vomit. Or something.
I'm applying to the English department for sure. I haven't actually started my application yet, but I need to very soon. I may or may not drop out of the College of Education if and when I get into the College of Arts and Sciences. I don't know yet.
I just need to be out of here in a reasonable amount of time. Meaning three years or less.

Ugh. My life just feels like a big, huge mess. I need to to be January. I need to start over.

I feel like I'm writing the same shit over and over. When does real life start?

life sucks, grad school, ou

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