restored from draft

May 29, 2007 22:08

We are moved!

We made it. It took two trips of the moving van, Maggie and I both bringing carloads of stuff, and about six hours, but we did it. Our dads were all trying to out-MAN each other, when they are obviously getting up there in years and were clearly not 'fine' though when Maggie and I asked, they would always say, with sweat dripping off the ends of their noses, "NO, I'm fine and I don't need any water kthnx! Let us go lift that heavy box over there!" But everyone survived.

My dad was all "Come along, Colleen [my mom], we must leave here imeeeeeediatly!" on Sunday, when they had planned on staying until Monday originally. (After, of course, visiting Ford's Theater, my dad's favorite-of-all-favorite places to visit in DC, even though he'd just been there last Tuesday.)
And then, according to my mom, as soon as they got halfway home (and he'd napped for two hours) he was all for turning around and hanging with me some more.

Dad: "We should go back next week!!"
Mom: ""

In the two and a half days since they left, they've called me about seven times.
School's out for the summer!!
(The joy of having teachers for parents: You can't get ahold of them for nine months, and then during the summer, you can't get them to leave you the hell alone.)

Our stuff is all put away, except for the empty boxes, since we can't quite figure out what to do with them, as our "trash shed" key doesn't seem to work to open the trash shed.

My commute is down to about half an hour, which is huge, as it used to take me like two hours every night to get home.

Otherwise, pretty much everything is the same.

moving, dc, commuting, mom&dad

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