nobody listens to me.

Apr 05, 2007 13:20

Okay, so Francis, the Exec Admin Assistant in our office, had a baby boy with his girlfriend. The Boys have been going crazy about this for the past two days--and by "The Boys," I really mean "Eric". Today, he chose to focus on the boy's name, Tristan.

Eric: "Isn't Tristan a girl's name? It's a girl's name! I should email him immediately and inform him of this!"
Me: *from behind my monitor* "No, it's a boy's name. Tristan and Isolde, dude!"
Eric: *doesn't hear me* "I mean, the kid is going to get beat up on the playground! Why didn't he have us QA baby names like Michelle did?!"
Me: "Tristan is a boy's name!"
Sarah: "Courtney is saying it's a boy's name."
Eric: "WHAT?"
Me: "Tristan and Isolde, it's an old Celtic myth, Tristan is the guy, the hero, etc. etc. Google it!" *I blather on about T + I for a while and nobody listens*
Sarah: "Wasn't Tristan a Greek god?"
Nan: *looks up Tristan in her giant French dictionary*
Eric: *to Sarah* "You're thinking of trident"
Me: "OMG. A trident is the three-pronged spear thingy!" *nobody listens*
Mark: "Wasn't he one of the guys...who were the guys who were fighting over Helen of Troy?"
Sarah: "There was Apollo..."
Eric: "You had Achilles and the other guy."
Mark: *gets smart and googles "Tristan"* "Hey guys, I think Courtney's right, it's a boy's name, Wikipedia says something about a Celtic myth...
Me: *headdesk*

the boys, 1717!, i'm a genius, babies, literature

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