Fox News mocks marriage and families with sexism and racism

Jul 01, 2008 05:51

Fox's smears against Obama are out of control. I just signed a petition against their use of racism, sexism, and prejudice.

First, a paid Fox commentator "accidentally" confused "Obama" with "Osama" and then joked on the air about killing Obama. Then, Fox called Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama"--slang used to describe the unmarried mother of a man's child.

Nearly 100,000 folks have signed a petition that will be delivered to Fox. Please sign with me. The more names, the bigger the impact of the message to Fox's advertisers. Here's the website:


My message read, "Hey Fox News, upstanding Americans like myself call married women, "wives," not "baby mamas." Stop disrespecting the sanctity of marriage and mocking the traditional family unit.

obama, fox news

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