Jul 07, 2009 23:42
Except for Fox letting me read the conclusion of her story, everything and everyone on the internet is pissing me off tonight. If it isn't whining Christians it's whining atheists. Whining from either side is fucktastically irritating. If it isn't trite superhero comics it's trite comics recycling zombies, or giant robots, or some manner of mythology AGAIN in a way that the author thinks everyone's gonna find super neato cool! And they probably WILL because the people of this sad world are so starved for culture and so glutted on the empty calories of Hollywood and the corporate world that half the stories on CNN today concerned Michael Jackson, and Transformers 2 broke box office records. Holy shit, planet earth, if koala bears drank Penzoil I'd suck a fern upside-down.
On nights like this I wish I was Murkoph. Murkoph would find a sparsely populated street, track down the nearest thing with a pulse, and explore the texture of its insides. Being a pacifist though, I'd have to settle for doing this to a cat but cats don't count. CATS DON'T COUNT.