Jun 21, 2009 14:05
So I decided to check out the latest search engine offering, "bing", take it for a spin on the info-strata so to speak. The name prompted me to approach the questioning from an ontological point of view.
My proposal is if the worldwide web can be perceived as an expression of techno-man's zeitgeist, then posing basic queries to it (in the form of one keyword versus it's conceptual opposite) and measuring the total returns from the query will reveal the word's relevance in mans mind. So here's what I did: love v hate> Love was on everyone's mind rather than latter; hate didn't even get to the prom. Tried a variation on the theme: love v war. War scored higher than hate this time around but only half of what love scored!
I took it one step further by adding this posting into the experiment. Do I, by observing the phenomena and then writing about it using those keywords in the content, change the metrics I am writing about? Maybe so, but not greatly, so no sweat. I did however take steps to neutralize the effect by iterating the words the same amount of times in the posting ... hmmm ocd maybe?
Not allegin just sayin O_o
Yup - it's simple and not scientific but a proper statistician, like the magicians at Stanford (ie google guyz), are probably using alien-tech computers to run hyper-dimensional maths on the metrics that google yields in order to map out all the memes that could occur in the zeitgeist for the next thousand years!