Congrats to everyone who just survived UNI YEAR 2 \o/
I made A LOT of promises to myself during the exam period about what I'm going to do once everything is over. Obviously, they're not all lies. But now there's so much stuff I need to do I'm completely overwhelmed and don't know where to start. TRAGEDY. Driving is first on my list of things I want to avoid but can't. Exchange Applications are actually an entrance exam in disguise right? I can't answer half the questions on my application form Orzzz I need to go shopping for about a billion things. But I hate hate hate shopping. I need to figure out how to bid for my year 3 modules when the time comes. I need to find out when the time comes. I need to survive my internships and not get black-listed before I even apply for pupillage. I need to stop freaking out.
I also want to play the heck out of every single free minute I've got. Tennis, ice-skating, badminton, hot pots, movie marathons, cycling. I want to punch the guy who stole my bike arghhh. I want to read Catch-22, Snow Crash and a bunch of other books. I want to play the piano more. I want to shift through all the thousands fic recs I saved during the exam period. I want to get a diving license. I want to catch up with all my fandoms, apologise for disappearing and hope they take me back again (ok the lurker in me is screaming a Luke Skywalker Nooooo). I want to travel, hopefully twice.
Yeah...that feels better. I actually only have 2 paragraphs worth of things to do. Seems a lot more possible now.
Completely unrelated point: I think the best part of Sam Worthington movies are the anti-mentor characters. Colonel Miles in Avatar and Draco in Clash of the Titans. It's just terrible that these badass military seniors keep getting snuffed out. I suppose it's inevitable because they were too awesome for the movie. Anyway, this strange trend has convinced me that Worthington should be casted as Guy if the Fahrenheit 451 movie ever gets made. Because Beatty would be the ultimate in badass fire-starting anti-mentor seniors.