Dec 25, 2004 11:56
hi...itsz christmas and im REALLY depressed :/ . i miss my bestest friend. we used tO hangOut Over the whOle christmas break and get fucked up nd shit. sOmetimes i think it was my fault that she killed herself because i gOt really busy befOre she did it and i cOuld never see her. She alwaysz would say "if i dOnt see yOu in at least 3 weeksz i will kill myself because i will miss yOu sO much"...and then she did it. i dOnt knOw...I*m like crying...nOne Of yOu knOw hOw much i miss my jamie, i wish i spent mOre time with her than i did because fOr the REST Of my life i will prOlly think itsz my fault :( . well im gunna gO i think?
R.I.P--JaMiE eRiN zInk
nOvember 12th 1989-OctOber 13th 2003
i miss yOu sOoOo much babygurl :( :( :(
*fav. memOry--MUDVAYNE CONCERT* this is her jOurnal entry abOut the cOncert wif me :)
mudvayne concert was tight! [Sep. 20th, 2003|07:44 pm]
[ Current Mood | dirty ]
[ Current Music | jaime ]
i havent wrote in awhile i guess. everything is the same. im doing bad in skool i think but i dont hate it as much as i could. um alot of stuff is happening. i dont know... my life is really boring. well i have nothing to write so ill write about last night which fucking kicked ass! jaime's dad got us tickets to see... MUDVAYNE! yeah it was um cool. when we got there some band was playing, they were ok. and then we found out our tickets were fer the balcony and we were pissed. so we were just walking around and trying to find hott guys... like me and jaime always do... and her dad got us shots and stuff. than some guy came up to us and fer like 5 dollars he would get us onto the floor seat thingies. so we got in and it was fucking sweet. theyre were so many effing people. than her dad took us into the mosh pit and we were all moshing and we were like 3 feet from the stage and these fat kids kept talking to us and stuff. it was so fun. than we couldnt like breath cause we're short and theyre were so many people so her dad picked us up and people kept pushing me and i went crowd surfing. it was so fun! and some guy pulled me down and i couldnt find jaime and her dad and they were looking fer me and i lost my shoe! so than i found them and we had to go sit down cause we couldnt breath and i had no shoe! than i put her dads shoe on and we went back in the mosh pit. it was so crazy. power man 5000 was playing and everyone was going crazy. than we were just like at the back of the mosh pit and some guy was next to me and he was like "youre fucking hott" and i was like "um thanks" and hes like "god yer so hott... do you smoke weed?" and im like "yeah why?" and hes like "dude come smoke with me!" and im like "i cant... im here with my dad" ...i was so pissed... and hes like "oh ok... how old are you?" and im like " 15" and he was like "holy shit! well id love to hook up with you but im alittle too old" and im like "how old?" and hes like "22... but anyways fer 15 yer fucking hott... ill see you later" and than i got really scared. he must have been really drunk to think i was hott. but it was funny. jaime was cracking up. than we had to go find mu shoe so we were just like trying to stand in the mosh put but people were every where! than mudvayne was about to go on so we were in the middle trying to find her shoe and we met up with our fat friends and we stood around and stuff and we were hanging out and than someone threw up my shoe and was like whoes shoe is this?! and i was flipping out and finnaly i got it back and the fat kid put it in his pocket. than the show started and it was so fucking crazy. people were soaked with sweat and i kept getting hit but thats what was supposed to happen. and these guys we were talking to lifted up jaime and she went crowd surfing and than me and i kept hitting people and it was funny as hell and than i got down and i was looking fer jaime a and ummm than we were crowd surfing and than we were just moshing and it was sweet and than it ended *tear* at like 12. and we had to go find the fat kid with her shoe and it was fun and i got a shirt and i was all gross and sweaty and um tired and hurting and blah! than we got food and went home... so that was my eventfull night... um now jaime coming over so i gots to go! byez...