Feb 23, 2009 12:24
My old high-school cross-country skiing coach convinced me to help hand out racing bibs and record finishing times for several races this season. These opportunities have been fun, though I wonder how I ever managed to be a competitive racer (the adult races are less lowkey than I could desire, such that I came in last). Understandably, he has not asked for any assistance from me in training the current crop of students. When I help out at these events, it is common that my sister comes up from Cape Cod to help and to ski herself, and I think she appreciates that she's much faster than I am at this point. I also keep running into Chiapinelli sisters. Up until this point I had not realized that they all look alike without being twins, and I'm still not sure who I was speaking to that first time, though I thought it was the one in my grade. One of them is mentioned in the credits for WALL-E, anyway.
Vermont public schools are taking their winter break, so I get to sit back and digest several issues of Runaways and Captain Marvel. I also intend to slip down to NYC for a few days, though as usual I have been unable to communicate my need for shelter to my friends in the area. Maybe I'll sleep during the day and wander around at night.
My parents don't think they watch TV often enough to bother converting to digital, and as of Feb 17 we get one Canadian channel. But as soon as this happened the Oscars come along, and suddenly my mother, I think to be contrary, decides that this is one of the few times she wants a TV. So I told her to see what was offered on oscars.com, and hopefully she'll be able to watch the greatest hits on YouTube tonight. And when she saw that girl from High School Musical with Zach Efron, she said it looked like my high-school girlfriend, which I wish she hadn't brought up.