Mar 10, 2009 23:26
I was cruising the birls comm before bed tonight, and I stumbled upon this gem in one of the comment sections (for background, the OP was talking about how she doesn't like that giving people a hard time for being fat is taboo, but it's apparently ok to talk about girls who are too skinny and make those girls feel bad about it)
"Amongst my social group "fat" as in like, obese, not-healthy-like is really really looked down upon, if for no reason other than we're very "apocalypse" minded for some reason. You've gotta be able to take care of you.
I like girls with curves but I can't can't can't be attracted to someone who is so heavy their health becomes an issue.
I love curvy girls though. Heavy is fine, some extra pounds = more to love, but when it starts getting dangerous for you it gets about as sexy as meth. Seriously. It's all just stupid decisions that hurt you from there on out."
Later in her post, she also admits to using drugs herself; so much for not putting one's health at risk because 'OMG everyone should abstain from any kind of risky behavior just like me... I mean, oops.' (I am not saying that drug use is terrible and you guys are so naughty for doing it, just pointing out her hypocrisy.)
She doesn't forget to mention how much her girlfriend loves her super skinny androgynous body mmm I was dying to know that! Good for you, bigot. I'm so proud that you're skinny and run all the time and do drugs! *clapclapclap*
Usually I feel like it's not worth the potential shit storm for saying something contrary to a person like that, but I gave her a relatively polite piece of my mind. UGHWOIHWEOIEWNOWINF!