As a starting, blanket statement, I would like to thank all those who helped to make Thanksgiving at our house a success this year. I certainly wasn't among them, but I'd like to thank those who were.
That said, allow me to regale the rest of you with the events of Thanksgiving at the Ford House this year.
Click here for the Monday-After-Rant. )
RE: Neighbor -- He was supposed to be the first one. SUPPOSED to be.
I mean, I thought we'd hit it off well in the summer. But now that it's winter and the fence still isn't 100% finished (we need a circular saw, and Gail's ADD about home improvement projects has kept our budget a little low).
... oh, and the fence? That was his request when we moved in, since all the previous tenants (renters and/or owners) had neglected it since it was first built in the late 70's. Yes, the fence looked like complete crap, and we were more than happy to get rid of it, but he didn't offer to help a single bit when we tore the old one out, or when we concreted new posts, or anything ... in the middle of summer. Now, I have to congratulate his wife, though, who at least offered to help, if not give us a drink.
Only now, at this late point in the game, has he offered to lift a single finger on the fence THAT HE REQUESTED. And the only reason he wants it finished is so that he doesn't have to leave his "poor doggy" tied up to potty in the backyard. Though, I suppose that IS some courtesy on his part ... I'd rather finish a fence than pick up turds from a dog that isn't mine.
RE: Cars -- When we first got into the house, it wasn't a problem. But, you know how garages are to new homeowners ... we-can-shove-all-our-shit-in-here-it's-so-BIG! mentality. So, now, we have to park all the cars outside. Three people, three cars.
And we get mean (badly-spelled) letters from the postal workers who are too lazy to emerge from their vehicles and put our mail in the box. "Bemer (sic) blocking mailbox" was one of my favorites, when I had the BMW.
So, now, if we park on the curb, we have to make sure it's after the mail's been delivered, and not in front of the neighbor's apparent claim on our south side. And guests are typically SOL. Thanks, Cock Rocket.
Also? "Cunty McDickbitch" is soooooo entering my vocabulary!
Considering he was the one requesting the repair/replacement, I believe you should bill him for at least half of it if he still doesn't continue to help. His wife sounds like good people though. She's also probably trying to get him to be nice to you and such. I'm reminded of Mr. Wilson from Dennis the Menace.
RE: Cars
Three people? You, Gail... I missed the other person. The mail people can suck a dick. I got too many of those when the douche across the street would park in my spot. Fuck his claim to your south side. If its just so he can see out, park your car there on purpose. At least until he mans up and give a good reason as to why he doesn't want it there.
I'm glad you approve of our neighbor's nickname :D
His wife seems wonderful. He, on the other hand, has not offered to lift a finger until just recently. Now, of course, with the wintry weather coming in, we're DEFINITELY not going to be able to fix it. But, then again, he's an even bigger dick if he's still forcing his dog out in the backyard in this mess.
RE: Cars:
Jeri, our roommate, and one of Gail's best friends from college.
The mail people can suck a dick, but we did most of our Christmas shopping online this year, so I don't want to be heard saying it too loudly.
And my friend, Daniel, stayed over to wait out some icy stuff we've got right now, and he parked in the same spot Jeri had been parking in when we first moved in, and not one word nor angry phone call was heard.
"Cunty McDickBitch" indeed.
Aren't there some kind of rules about outdoor pets and certain kinds of weather? I know that they have to have some sort of shelter, but I don'ty remember anything about temperature. Either way, if you can, try being passive-aggressive if he keeps this up and only talk to his wife... or something. He'll likely get so fed up with hearing it from her, he'll do it himself.
RE: Cars
Ah! Ok. I wasn't aware you two had a roomie. Either way :D. As far as the bad weather is concerned, if your neighbor complained about Daniel's car, I would have just ignored it. Or told him he could help Daniel get home in the bad weather. That usually makes any guy who thinks he tough deflate like a balloon.
If I come up with any other awesome names like that, I'll forward them your way.
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