Tagged by murrayandcully

Aug 24, 2007 06:55

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

Habits/quirks/facts/other ornery stuff:

1. I find it very difficult to actually put on articles of clothing which do not "go together," such as wearing stripes with plaid, vertical stripes with horizontal, or two absolutely clashing colors, even when I am putting on evening wear/sleeping wear. No, I am not gay.

2. I love Fluxx so much that I recently bought every expansion on their website, plus 5 packs of blanxx.

3. I do not enjoy being poked or tickled.

4. Most of my favorite food combinations are viewed by my loving wife as "gross," such as fried egg sandwiches with Miracle Whip, tomatoes on pizza, or ketchup on Long John Silvers chicken. Furthermore, I love cheesecake, and she hates it.

5. I distinctly hate the feel of long-sleeved shirts. If I have to ever wear one, it has to be something that's loose enough in the sleeves that I don't notice. Even so, I almost always end up rolling them up or shoving them up my arms at some point. I also really hate sweaters.

6. I have never met "Weird Al" Yankovic, but I did get to rub "Bermuda" Schwarz's (his drummer) head once.

7. I have a habit of going along with people's assumptions about me, especially my knowledge base, in conversation. For example, people will often talk to me about a movie or book that they just KNOW I've read, and I'll just go along with it, because ... why make them feel silly and foolish? Plus, I can pretty much B.S. anything ... I even have a diploma that says so (thanks, gretel2381)!

So... tags...
aabassplayer, baronmind, chennpug, drtrauma, krazedprincess, sgt_sassypants, and tmesser. That pretty much runs the gamut of people I know.
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