And you think IL is any different? Having lived in a town where SNL skits were written about the sports fans here, I have to say that Oklahoma isn't. I've seen brawls at bars between White Sox fans and Cubby fans (my team is so much better I'll beat the shit out of you to prove it). Also, growing up in Indiana, where you have to love the movie Hoosiers because it's a fuckin birthright, puts some perspective on things. God forbid you cheer for Purdue, because IU is the land of the Holy Bobby Knight (or used to be anyway) and nothing he does is wrong because dammit, he's a Hoosier! I can't read the story you posted because you have to register to get it, but I've got to say that this shit goes on everywhere. Not just in Oklahoma.
You've also got to realize that most of the middle class people lose themselves in sports the way you or I lose ourself in a good book. A bad call is like an author killing your favorite character (yes J.K. Rowling, that means you, twice now). And god forbid the refs throw a game, that's like a favorite author writing for writings' sake (why oh why did you torture me with Rose Madder, Stephen King? And all those other shitty novels that made me stop reading you for years? Just to churn out a contract?!?). Not justifying, just saying this is their escape.
Of course the solution to all this? Damn the Man. It's time to start a revolution. Get rid of the reason to HAVE to escape reality.
Maybe I am just accustomed to the St. Louis "rivalries" being nothing more than "friendly competition" since the time I was born. I mean, I've never seen a Cardinals fan beat up a Royals fan OR a Cubs fan, but maybe (like with prostitution and drugs) I'm just not exposed to it often enough that I know where to look for it.
Same with Blues/Blackhawks/Red Wings in hockey. And, as far as I know, we haven't really had a football rivalry.
I think you're right, though. I think I just need to move to an area of the country that's predominantly upper-class, even if that makes me the bottom of the barrel. That way, I can find ubiquitous postings for "book clubs" and "chess meetings" instead of "Sooners this" and "Cowboys that" and "We hate Texas."
Heh heh, I can't help but mention that I had a bf from Carbondale IL and one of his favorite past times was to get into fist fights with Cubby fans. (yeah, now you know one of the many reasons why I'm not still dating him).
Oh and you have probably forgotten the debacle up here with the Cubs fan who grabbed the ball out of the air over the foul line "causing the loss of the world series and continuing the hex upon the cubs forever." That guy had helicoptors over his house the next morning by 5 am. He had death threats. He had to quit his job and move. Getting professional teams doesn't make sports fanatics any less... ahem... inspired.
And you'll never escape the middle-class. Even the upper echelons of society can't escape. And that's because there are way more of us than there are of them. That and they need us to mow their lawns, drive their cars, and clean up their messes.
Stop the cause, not the effect. By then, it's too late.
I think I remember the debacle. All I can say is that people need to stop taking things so seriously. Laughing at yourself is what separates you from the person who takes everything so seriously, s/he is willing to die to prove a cause.
As I'm told, "dē'pō" is for trains, buses, and other land-borne craft, whereas "dĕ'pō" is for aircraft and other non-landborne craft.
So, actually, they pronounce "Air Depot" as "dĕ'pō" (the street a block from where Gail and I live) correctly, since it refers to Tinker Air Force Base, which it runs past. However, people who have been raised in the area tend to refer to "Office Depot" with the same pronunciation, even though the accepted one is "dē'pō." And this irritates me, even though it is a French word, and should technically be pronounced "dāpō'".
Furthermore, instead of the Spanish pronunciation of "Miami" as "mē'à'mē," or even the Floridian pronunciation of "mī'ă'mē," they have adopted the pronunciation of "mī'ă'mə." What retards!
lol :^D Well I guess it could be worse. You could live in Chicago where everyone pronounces Chipotle as Chi pol' ty (I can't do the fancy dictionary pronunciation thingies you did there) instead of Chee' pote lay. I mean seriously. Chipolty? Morons.
You've also got to realize that most of the middle class people lose themselves in sports the way you or I lose ourself in a good book. A bad call is like an author killing your favorite character (yes J.K. Rowling, that means you, twice now). And god forbid the refs throw a game, that's like a favorite author writing for writings' sake (why oh why did you torture me with Rose Madder, Stephen King? And all those other shitty novels that made me stop reading you for years? Just to churn out a contract?!?). Not justifying, just saying this is their escape.
Of course the solution to all this? Damn the Man. It's time to start a revolution. Get rid of the reason to HAVE to escape reality.
Just my 2 cents.
Same with Blues/Blackhawks/Red Wings in hockey. And, as far as I know, we haven't really had a football rivalry.
I think you're right, though. I think I just need to move to an area of the country that's predominantly upper-class, even if that makes me the bottom of the barrel. That way, I can find ubiquitous postings for "book clubs" and "chess meetings" instead of "Sooners this" and "Cowboys that" and "We hate Texas."
Oh and you have probably forgotten the debacle up here with the Cubs fan who grabbed the ball out of the air over the foul line "causing the loss of the world series and continuing the hex upon the cubs forever." That guy had helicoptors over his house the next morning by 5 am. He had death threats. He had to quit his job and move. Getting professional teams doesn't make sports fanatics any less... ahem... inspired.
And you'll never escape the middle-class. Even the upper echelons of society can't escape. And that's because there are way more of us than there are of them. That and they need us to mow their lawns, drive their cars, and clean up their messes.
Stop the cause, not the effect. By then, it's too late.
I think I remember the debacle. All I can say is that people need to stop taking things so seriously. Laughing at yourself is what separates you from the person who takes everything so seriously, s/he is willing to die to prove a cause.
Don't die for your cause; laugh at yourself!
P.S.: Go Rams.
So, actually, they pronounce "Air Depot" as "dĕ'pō" (the street a block from where Gail and I live) correctly, since it refers to Tinker Air Force Base, which it runs past. However, people who have been raised in the area tend to refer to "Office Depot" with the same pronunciation, even though the accepted one is "dē'pō." And this irritates me, even though it is a French word, and should technically be pronounced "dāpō'".
Furthermore, instead of the Spanish pronunciation of "Miami" as "mē'à'mē," or even the Floridian pronunciation of "mī'ă'mē," they have adopted the pronunciation of "mī'ă'mə." What retards!
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