The Predatory Wasp

Jan 14, 2009 17:41


I miss its scent. The smell of spring gives me the same rush you get when you see someone you're crushing on. Weird? Yes. I don't care. I'm ready for winter to be over. School to be nearly out. Everything to start creeping out of sleep and coming to life. I'm tired of school. Of the winter that seems so life-less. Or maybe its just school combined with winter that seems so life-less.

Anyway. Jami tells me I'm beautiful every day and that's nice. She's nice. We're nice.

I think I'm going to buy Cady a type writer. She's nice, too. :-)

And I also think I'm gonna really find a banjo and lock myself in my room for a while with it.
Ok back to homework. Or maybe procrastination, a little homework, some more procrastination, look at the homework, procrastinate, and then cry my way through homework.

homework homework homework

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