Personal Information:
First Name: kaitlyn
Age: 14
Gender: Female.
Nickname(s): kait...
Hair Color: brown
Hair Style: uhh its kinda long but im finally getting it cut tomorrow
Eye Color: hazel
What is your favorite:
Color: red and purple
Game: nightmare
Song: i dunno i like alotta songs
Music Video: uhh
Animal: dogs
Sport: vollyball
Country: USA
Movie: fear, virgin suicides, ghost world, heavyweights (come on gotta love that movie)willy wonka
Food: soup
Best: eh tara, steph, bre, michelle, marianna, ashley, and jackie
Funniest: all my friends are funny.. thats why theyre my friends
Coolest: marianna
Sweetest: aww ashley
Kindest: isnt that the same thing as sweetest?
Annoy-ingest: JACKIE hahaha
Dullest: none of them
Stupidest: TARA!! or steph
Most Athletic: none of them lmao
Boy(Girl)friend: No
Are you in love right now: No
Do you have a crush: nope
Do you have a stalker: YES ANTHONY!!! god
Do you miss someone right now: no
What do you do:
At school: ..learn? or at least pretend to learn
At home: sleep
Outside: walk around
When you first wake up: brush my teeth
What _____do you hate:
Food: fish
Color: orange
Hair color: ?
Tv show: punkd
Clothing style: i dunno.. i dont really hate any style
Movie: lord of the rings.. its so fucking boring
Emotions Right Now:
Are You Happy Right Now: i guess
Sad: Nope.
Grumpy: No
Annoyed: kinda
Angry: No
Sick: a little
Lonely: nope
Bored: extremely
Have you ever:
Made your own religion: probably
Written backwards: probably
Written your own magazine: YES me and christine lmao
Drawn art: sure
Got angry with a game: all the time
Played Lacrosse: Nope.
Broken a bone: no
Dyed your hair: no
Put in contacts for no reason: no
Swam alone: yea
Things that come to mind when you read:
Intelligentence: school
Stupidity: school
Depress: sadness
Blood: tara
Blue: sky
Gray: boring
Golf: those hats with the little ball things on them
Soccer: stupid
Yellow: submarine
Socks: white
Ribbon: present
Do you or are you:
Do you give good advice: not really
Do you play a lot of games: no
Do you wear hats: no
Do you like to be outside: yes
Are you always mad: No
Are you always happy: No
Are you a good friend: i hope so