What's with the AB Body Hate???

Oct 18, 2009 19:11

Alrighty, after reading about 100 comments about Alton Brown's weight loss over the last month and a half or so, I'm getting a little annoyed.

People are talking about him the way we talk about too-skinny female celebrities.  Everyone's acting like they're just SOOOO concerned (is he sick?  does he have an eating disorder??) about him, when it's clear they just want to judge him.  It's the exact same thing you see when people would talk about Kiera Knightly or Angelina Jolie, acting like because these people make a living being on screen, their bodies are suddenly only for public display.

Alton Brown was overweight and had a diet laden with lots of sweets and alcohol.  He decided to stop eating crap and start taking care of himself.  As someone in the process of losing 50 pounds, I can guess what some of the reasons were.  Maybe he couldn't move around as quickly and easily as he wanted, realizing that going up stairs left him winded?  Maybe his clothes started to fit tighter, and he didn't want to have to go up a size again?  Maybe his doctor measured his body fat percentage and it was too high, even if he didn't "look" fat.  Or maybe, just maybe, he wanted to be a strong, healthy role model for his daughter, and be healthy enough to watch her grow into adulthood?

Why is everyone saying things like, "he's too thin!"  "he looks old now!" or "he shouldn't have lost that much????"  That's SO judgmental, rude, and NOT OUR BUSINESS. It's between him, his doctor, and his family.  And my guess is that they prefer healthy, long-living, skinny AB to unhealthy AB.

I suggest that everyone else just get over it.  His body isn't there for display.  It's there FOR HIM.
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