*gasp* I only made one entry for February! Two.. with this one :P Just pointless update :D
... well..I'll be "busy" for next two month, because:
(1) Kite/Tezuka fanart (in progress) because a certain wonderful writer's fault XD What? Don't understand what was I talked about? :D Sit down, click
this and next
this ♥
I feel like cheating to Atobe coz I draw his darling with another man ... ;_; I'm so sorry ...
(2) Atobe/Tezuka fanart (in progress) because I need that XD I missed drawing Atobe's face, it's a loooooong time since I draw him months ago. Chibis don't count :P
spring_fluff assignment........ still do nothing o.O" oops...? :D
Suwabe Junichi is seiyuu for Grimmjow! XD Yay! So I have reason if sometimes I draw Tezzie cosplaying as Byakuya and Atobe as Grimmjow! XD Perhaps Atobe with his new hair, he would be better as Grimmy X3
Bya-chan and Grimmy also in opponents side, one is shinigami and the other is arrancar. Like Tezzie and Atobe are rivals XD ... ^^; I know that's different, but still ... it seems my fandom have connection *wibbles* ♥
I'm a happy fangirl ^.^~ Life is good.