This is an appeal not to the leaders of the world, but to the people. Governments and courts are moved not by the law, but by a demand for justice. Progress is made only by the people asserting their will. It is achieved only through dissent, protest, civil disobedience (1), and organization. From the abolition of slavery to unions to the civil rights movement, history can assure us of this.
This is an appeal to the people to demand an end to war. No war in Southeast Asia. No war in Latin American. No War in Afghanistan. No war in Iraq. No war in Iran. No War.
This is an appeal to the people to put an end to killing. Our weapons of mass destruction, sophisticated as they may be, cannot tell the difference between a child and a soldier. We must demand that land mines never be used (2). We must demand that depleted uranium not be an option (3). We must put an end to the possibility of nuclear warfare.
It is an appeal to not kill in the name of nationalism or in the name of God. It is an appeal to not kill for profit or oil or the protection of corporate interests. It is an appeal to not kill.
This is an appeal for our money to be used not for war but to heal. The industrial military complex has usurped our power (4). We cannot afford for death to be a business.
This is an appeal to not tolerate the abuse of civil rights or the violation of humanitarian law. Anywhere. Ever. This is a call to rally not around the flag in the name of patriotism, but to rally around humanity in the name of peace. It is a call to be brave in the midst of uncertainty.
1: 2: 3: 4:
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