Feb 09, 2005 12:43
everyday is becoming more and more complicated........i think more....and i feel more.....i tend to let my emotions get the best of me....but thats a good thing....cuz at least i know i feel something......my friends told me soemthing today that jsut totally threw a curve ball in my day....it wasnt bad.....but knowing the person.....and waht they said.....theres a lot of emotion behind it.......but i dont want to be that bumbling fool that i usually am....and think something of it......but i jsut cant help it...... i honestly cant.....now....as much as im doing pretty good on my own,.....im starting to realize how important teh other person is to me......i caught myself telling someone about them last nite.....and i was smiling and giddy throughout the whole conversation.....i was like...omg....its the best feeling ever.....i would give up everything........all my talent....all my skills....everything.....just to be able to relive that moment over and over again.........but yeah.........the only way i can vent...other then bitching to my homies....is by putting my shit up....and working.....i found myself and now im aware that im a workaholic....cuz once i get going i cant stop.....i mean look at this entry......it was only suppose to be liek 3 sentences long....and im going off like a mofo....but yeah....at least im thinking.....and at least im questioning.....and at least im content to a certain degree......and yeah......i need to bomb something bad.....i need to get out there and paint......and i need to work all this weirdness out....and its not bad....no bad terms.....but rahter....seedy terms,,,,,shaky and unclear.....i jsut need a claiyance.