Jan 12, 2007 15:38
I was clean shaven and in a decent suit when I walked into the convinience store, which looked alot like Dollar Tree. I walked to the back wall and saw an off-duty cop in a white shirt. I walked back to aisle three:
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Contact one gave me a look, contact two looked out. Contact one gave me a gun, a six shot revolver. I got closer but could not pull the trigger against the off-duty cop, who had a child and been married for 13yrs. I left knowing that I was in trouble and soon headed for my car. I was stopped by a group of black men, then one detached and came forward. I recognized him as a childhood friend who was much older than me and I had not seen in years. He had a sub machine gun and brandished a knife and was cracked up. He said, "I'm sorry but I got to do it" ,then he proceeded to shot my car from every angle and multiple clips with that gun. The group laughed and he came out crying adn said "I'm sorry". I forgave him and gave him a hug but then I realized he did not have a head and I was clasping the headless body of an old, degenerate family friend.
It weirded me out, for some reason I remember it perfectly. But all is well in the realm of Tyler. I look forward to being in studio classes again. Jacob, remind me and I'll bring you some good drawing and watercolor(multi-purpose) paper. Later.