Title: Not Even A Fraction
goobers Rating: PG-13
Chapter: 2 / ?
Pairing/Focus: Jonghyun / Onew ; Onew / Key
Summary: Onew has decided that he wants a girlfriend! So he decides to ask advice from his classmate Jonghyun. Things start off simple enough until their emotions suddenly change. What happens when Onew no longer wants a girlfriend, but
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Ohhh, Do you want me to spot you for the next chapter? ;)
do you really have to ask???
that's not necessary but of course ill be super happy for it...but only if you would...^^
Feeling eyes boring into him, Kibum turned those narrow eyes straight at Jinki. Instead of staring straight at the nervous nerd, he was staring into the soul of the oldest of the three.
I seriously think that Key actually seeing how hot Onew can be...XD
With that comment, Key moved forward to poke Jinki‘s cheek lightly with his finger.
idky but i found it cute...XXDD
whoaaa...congrats!! Finally Jinki could have Jonghyun as his mentor and Key as his stylist..XD
Key is just his diva-self...and Jonghyun just being cute as usual for me..XD
this is getting interesting...i kinda hope for slight OnJongKey here..XD
but i wanna know how their relationship will turn out...Xd
pls do write more...i'll be waiting for awesome update from you^^
I like doing spots.. because...
I can. XDDDD
Aww, thank you for all of the nice words! I'm thinking about adding a little bit of a onJongKey twist to the story, since... he's too breathtaking. XDDD
Thanks again~ <3
he's breathtaking...XXDD
you're welcome^^
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