Oct 18, 2004 11:10
So I'm at work and I'm bored! Had to go down to the vault (where Contracts keeps all their files) for a bit. There's nothing to do... but when I go up to my desk, it will be covered in work I need to do... not to mention the mail is piling up. I'm NOT having a good day, surprise. Woke up with a really bad sore throat thanks to either my roommates, cubemate or the little kids I've been hanging around for education hours. Maybe it's even from Friday night when I went to HHN... it was pretty damn cold that night but at least I got to see my Noodles (who never called me Sunday) and shirtless chainsaw men. I don't know. I hate being sick especially with a side of PMS. I've been sick a lot more than usual due to the roommates always bringing something to the house. Ryan called me this morning and said he had "a feeling" something was wrong... good instincts I tell ya. Why me!? And of course today is my long day and I have a class with Joel tonight... no offense to him but I'm not in the mood to hear about his girlfriend issues because he never listens to my advice anyway! I feel like I'm just venting toy to some people. Ok, maybe I'm being a little dramatic here. Man, I should have called in sick today... haven't yet b/c I don't want to use my Sick Leave hours! Hmmm... perhaps I should eat lunch? Food always makes me feel better. Enough of my venting for now. Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend!