So I haven't updated in a while. Meh. For those wondering, no, I didn't fall into an emo tailspin and vaporize. Instead, here's what happened:
The JR-97/120 in room draw was recoverable, and Betrayal ended up, somehow, pulling a Linde suite, with
divinewolfwood and I in the long double. The suite worked out awesomely, with two very well-placed frosh. This year, despite some drama regarding in-dorm statuses, we managed to pull the Atwood suite we've been going for since summer math; that should be fun.
I managed to snap out of my depressed mood by the fall, doing decently academically (although not great), but then regained my usual powers of academics spring semester, finishing with over a 3.0 GPA for the first time since first semester. Lowest grade was a C- in Stems, but hey -- it's easier the second time. I'm on pace to graduate on-time with exactly 128 units. ^_^
I've been actually updating
the Goobergunch Political Report since December, providing a more up-to-date delegate tally than most of the major networks. Also, as somebody that's known about delegate rules since 2004, I laugh at everybody that's learning about superdelegates for the first time.
There's probably more I should say here, but honestly, I'm not up for a giant introspective megapost. However, I just wanted to make sure that nobody thought I had disappeared or anything. My last couple posts are pretty depressed, and, well, I was quite depressed when I posted them. But that's a long way from where I am now.
Oh, and in the glorious tradition of some of my older posts:
Fall 2008 Schedule
[3] CSCI183 Computer Science Clinic T 11:00-11:50 Keller
[1] CSCI189 Programming Practicum T 16:15-17:30 Dodds
[0] CSCI195 Computer Science Colloquium R 16:15-17:30 O'Neill (hopefully)
[3] CSCI125 Computer Networks M W 16:15-17:30 Erlinger
with Lab W 18:30-19:50 "
[3] CSCI134 Operating Systems T R 14:45-16:00 O'Neill
[3] MUS 003 Clapping for Credit T R 13:15-14:30 Huang
[3] HIST174 The American 1960s M W 13:15-14:30 Liss
[18:49 update]: Oh, and a prefrosh I was showing around campus today expressed an interest in computer games at HMC, so I told him about Crack in the AC and how to sign up for gaming-l. Does that make me a bad person? (According to Dean Noda, it does.)