Jan 09, 2006 15:18
...and, I know I've neglected my poor journal, but, new resolution for this shiny new year???
Update my journal at least once a month...yes, I know that's not much, but, it might be one that I can actually stick to, lol.
Anyhoo, our holidays were petty laid back this year. No kids around to bug us during holiday boredom jags, or to whine about "there's nothing to doooooo around here" so, it was nice and peaceful and gift-laden.
Shortly after the new year, however, pretty much on the second of January, I got sick...and have been ill ever since. As we'd just been to visit with the mother-in-law, I blame her...fyi--when telling your mother-in-law that you think you may have caught her cold.flu/measles/plague, don't do it just as she's arriving at your door by pointing at her accusingly and shouting "you make me sick!!" They're liable to burst into tears before you can explain what you mean.
On the bright side, I've found that, prolonged strenuous coughing is a great abdominal work out. I figure, a few more months of coughing and, I'll have some nicely defined six-pack abs. Of course, my nose will be completely obliterated from constant wiping, and, my voice will be several octaves below Bea Arthur's, but, hey, it's worth it.
Of course, since I got sick first, the hubs hadda one up me yet again. He managed to get sick a few days after I did, but, is very quick to point out how much more quickly he's getting better than I am. Maybe I should get pregnant...that's one thing I KNOW he can't do better than I can, lol.
In other news, my cough medicine is kicking in, so, I'd better stop typing while I'm still semi-coherent. Until next time,
Gooberella--cough medicine connoisseur/kleenex commando