Jul 18, 2006 22:42
So I recently dyed my hair black. I'm really not sure what made me do it, but now it's done. I think it was something along the lines of "I need to dye my hair, what color have I never done? hmm.. let's see how black looks." Very scientific, I know. Anyway, when I was dying it I had it all pulled to the back then up to the top so it looked like I had a little fauxhawk going on. I really liked it, and am now really tempted to get it done, but some stuff is holding me back. A: I think my mom might cry just seeing it black, and then in a mowhawk, she may cry all day. 2: Would it really look that okay? I don't know what my deal is with my hair lately, but I have always been one of those "It's just hair, it'll grow back quick enough!" kind of people, but now I fear it may get me in trouble...
Any thoughts?