Jan 25, 2007 17:27
So about me putting everything off until the last minute. (SENIOR ENGLISH.)
this class is kicking my ass. =)
straight up.
I have nothin to write about really..just putting my senior english off even more. literally.
Let's see here. This weekends gonna be fuuuuun.
I hope. hah.
Friday night (after i work..boooo)
I think im goin to a movie with Bethany..hoping she gets off early enough though.
THen Saturday wrestling meet all day watching boyyyyyyy wrestling...
Then Sarah and I are probably just gonna have an amazing night just chillin, im so pumpt!
I am so lovin life right now..minus school. =)
OH yes, Mason and I broke up about two weeks ago but we're better now..
We were both on the same page
We just want to be able to hang out with boys and girls without getting mad at eachother?
ya know what im sayin? haha.
we're much better now thoughhhh... <3<3