Sep 10, 2005 17:06
I knooow I am bad at updating. Sorry!
I really havn't updated anything about what has really been going on
with me and everything is changing!!! mahhhh!!!
Tisk Tisk on me(ouch).
So I've have decided to go through what has been going on with me through steps. It is a little more weird, but alot of fun .
Step uno:
We sold our house top these really awesome people!! They are an older christian couple who need a ranch because the husband's mother is coming to live with them.They are totally cool people.
Step dos:
Since we have sold our house we obviously need a place to live so we bought a house! It is a Tri-level in Mahomet(Ma Home T.) with about an acre of land! We plan to add on to the house next spring/summer.I really like the house and would get my own room which totally rox!
Step tres:
Because we are going to be living in Ma Home T. I get to go to school!!!!!! yessssssssss! For
awhile I didn't think i was gonna be able to! School is fun. I have met
alot of new people and see slot of oppurtunities to minister. Also, CT started the wednesday!!! It's called gravity now!
^with out it your dead.
Step cuatro:
my spanish has gotten better. obviously;)
So summer is gone. wow! It
went really fast this year! It was one of the best summers ever! so
much happened. I even left the country!! God did some cool stuff but he
will do even more cool stuff this school year. I know it!!
So heres to summer!
Enough of me:) leave me one of your favorite stories from summer!