(I'm re-posting every 5 days now.)
Ok, I really want to do this. Because I love photos.
I can't guarantee I'll do one EVERY every day. But I'll try.
Changing the date of the post doesn't do much but I will come in and edit to add a photo each day. Every once in a while I'll repost the whole thing, but don't worry, I'll keep it under cuts.
30 Days of Photographic Memories
day 1: your facebook profile photo
day 2: a photo of yourself a year ago
Long hair!!!
day 3. a photo that makes you happy
Alex in Paris in 2008.
day 4. a photo of the last place you went on holiday
I was going to post a picture from Folk Fest, but since I worked every day there, it wasn't much of a vacation. So I chose Wildwood, NJ instead.
day 5. a photo of you
What, just ANY photo? None of these photos is "You in Costume" so I will do that now.
Halloween 2008
day 6. a photo that makes you laugh
This one is a classic. Scott Johnson at Gooble 2004, with Geoff in the background.
day 7. a photo of someone you love
This is my Granny doing a shot for Chatka Time.
day 8. a photo of your favourite band/musician
Favorite is hard to judge, but here's who I listen to most lately:
Erin McKeown
(not my photo)
I just bought tickets to see her at the Triple Door. Weee!
day 9. a photo of your family
I have to post both this one from Folk Fest:
And the Simpsons-inspired second version:
Unfortunately, Alex couldn't be there. Steve is basically part of our family though, so he's included.
And Carissa's new boyfriend Jason is pretty awesome so I'm happy to call him family.
day 10. a photo of you as a baby
Ummm... I don't have any. This is the closest I get, as a kid in my uncle's wedding.
day 11. a photo of your favourite film(s)
Eh, what's a favorite anyway? I don't like playing favorites. Here's one.
Earfish Island, of course. I will always love this one. It was the first movie I ever owned.
I also had the soundtrack. It was my most-played record when I was a kid.
day 12. a photo of you
What, another totally random picture of me with no theme?
Portapotty! Portapotty! There are other pictures out there of me in a portapotty, not just this one.
But this is the best one I have currently uploaded, I think.
I still need to post my FRFF pictures from 2004 and 2005, and I think there's an even better one there.
day 13. a photo of your best friend(s)
Can I post two pictures?
Yesterday was Holly's 2-year anniversary. Happy Anniversary, Holly and Rob!
The second picture is from May 2004, when we spent the night at Fort Jefferson at Dry Tortugas National Park.
day 14. a photo of one of your favourite family members
Well, since I already posted a picture of Granny...
Me and my cousin Merredith.
day 15. a photo of you and someone you love
I tried to find one you guys haven't seen a million times.
That was last year at my birthday happy hour. :)
day 16. a photo of you at the last party you went to
September Birthday Celebration with Grant and Heather
Technically, I was at their house on Sunday also for the Shrinky Dink Fundraiser, but there are no pictures from that.
And this one is an awesome photo. Thanks to Lisa, who took this pic.
day 17. a drunk photo of you
Hahahahahahaaa... look what I found.
Yeah, that's Folk Fest 2008, and I am straddling a head made of ice.
day 18. a photo of one of your classes
Hmmm... Since I'm well out of school, I am going to post a picture of work.
Earlier this year, not sure why we were pinching each other.
day 19. a photo of you on a school trip
Again, since I have no school trips to choose from, here is a work trip.
Bet you wish your work trips were like this? :)
Me and the girls from work on the 1-day coastal cruise on Sapphire Princess, May 2010.
Next year we're doing the same cruise for my West Coast Bachelorette Party.
day 20. a photo of something you enjoy doing
That's actually Scott and Laura on the Lehigh River, but I took the picture.
I miss canoeing so much! I used to go 2-3 times a year, now I'm lucky to go once.
That is a great batch of pictures, btw. Weekend Canoe Trip, July 2007.
day 21. a photo of you standing up
Alaska, July 2005. See the glacier behind me? Yeah, it's that cold.
day 22. a photo of your town
Which town? Seattle:
day 23. a photo of your friend as a baby
Once again, baby pics are hard to come by, but here is Holly when she was a kid:
day 24. a photo of you that your hair looks nice in
I need to figure out which hair color that was.
day 25. a photo of a night you loved
Resisting posting more engagement photos...
New Year's Party, ringing in 2008 in Rochester with Nik & Anya.
Alex and I drove up to Rochester with his sister Vicky and we had a freaking awesome time.
This was the kind of party where we danced on the dining room chairs and banged pots all night.
And drank lots and lots of champagne. I want our wedding to be like that. :)
day 26. a photo of your favorite weekend
Which one?
"Favorite Weekend" is another name for "Folk Fest".
day 27. a photo of last summer
day 28. a photo of what you ate today
Hmm, I guess I should make something picturesque to eat.
I totally stole the idea from Alex. Thank you, Alex. :)
day 29. a photo of someone you find attractive
Halloween, 2006.
day 30. a photo of you when you were happy.
I looked at a lot of pictures for this last one, and I kept coming back to this:
It's really just the happiest picture I have. Look how happy!
This meme has been AWESOME and I'm sad that it's over. :(
Maybe I'll do it again next year. :)