Friends Til the End (of the World)

Jul 26, 2020 00:17

The above photo of Coquette de Jour and Dee Flowered was taken Sunday, July 19th, 2020 outside the Athens Clarke County Library. Had you shown me this last July, I wouldn't have thought anything but "they look so rad, and I can't wait to see the movie." And though I do think that when I see this now, the story behind it isn't one of Gonzoriffic just being its usual creative self.

I don't mind telling you I had a breakdown of sorts last fall. It was inevitable, and I'm entirely to blame for neglecting my mental health and sleep cycle for so many years. I finally had to get serious about getting well and being myself again. "Bad Girl Dracula" was completed, a physical release happened in time with the premiere screening, and the streaming release followed just after the new year. And what a year it turned out to be.

For the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was all I could do each day to stave off the feelings of utter terror and persistent worry. By the time night fell, I gathered myself enough to go to sleep, trying not to think about the reality we were all waking up to. I missed me, I missed my friends, and I just wanted it to all be a bad dream. In time, routines became bearable, and surviving was plenty, but creatively I was in distress. And that is a mental health crisis.

We released PANICAKE to Youtube on April 17th, after one full month of not seeing one another. Coquette, Jennie, Xtina and I worked seperately together on it, and breathed a momentary sigh of relief. Watch it here:

After that, it wasn't a question of what next. I'd shot several projects earlier in the year, I had all the materials to release a second volume of MONDO GONZO, but I was stuck on how I was going to finish our new compilation. We've got so much great stuff we've been holding onto, but I was missing the connective tissue. The photo you see above is part of my solution.

We all filmed with masks on, we never got close to one another, and I even shot some parts remotely. It was a relief, it was sorely needed, but in my darker moments I wonder if this will be the last release of its kind. I always wonder that every time, but now I've got good reason. I don't plan to spend 2020-2021 in a similar place to where I was in 2010-2011, but all this shit is going to be the test of our lifetime. You just can't know.

What I do know is none of that has happened yet, so worrying is a waste of my energy. I'll make movies instead, thank you.
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